OM Yoga Magazine is your guide for daily yoga practice, from yoga poses to meditations, articles and videos. OM magazine caters for all levels of ability from beginners to intermediate, teachers and professionals. Regular features include: Yoga at Home, yoga changed my file, Yoga & Aromatherapy, amazing spaces, yoga anatomy, plant based food recipes, my yoga business plus lots more to inspire a healthy and active lifestyle.
OM Yoga & Lifestyle
My secret place
N@maste • Love OM magazine and want to tell the world? Here’s your chance
Om Competition • Win an organic CBD bundle and goodies from RAISED SPIRIT — £774 worth of prizes up for grabs!
7 food trend predictions for 2022 from Whole Foods Market
YOGA changed my life • Jenna Blair is calmer, happier, and now running her own studio
Everything is a practice • Why your new year yoga practice is already just perfect
The Happiness Expolre How to…find your purpose in 2022
Living the teachings — understanding yoga’s everyday meanings AHIMSA: the practice of kindness
Amazing spaces
om loves • Beautiful things for beautiful people
BE HERE + LOVE • Connect to your spiritual bliss with Be Here + Love …where ancient yoga wisdom meets high vibe apparel
Planet yoga • Stories from around the weird and wonderful world of yoga
Flexibility flow • Start the year right with this easy 30-minute yoga flow for flexibility.
OM meets… The Devi Sisters • The Devi sisters, all qualified yoga teachers, were born and raised in Britain within a first generation Indian family. Here, they talk to OM about their own individual yoga experiences
Unwind and recharge • A soothing, after work Restorative Yoga sequence.
To advance, become a beginner • Want to become more advanced? Well then, you’re going to need to become a beginner again.
HAPPY NEW YOGA! • 10 tips to get the most out of your practice in the new year!
NEW YEAR new you Make 2022 your year!
Managing your expectations in 2022 • Six ideas to better manage your hopes, dreams and expectations during 2022.
Building a sustainable yoga practice • Building a new year home meditation and yoga practice.
READY… SET… BE • 7 ways to cultivate your mindfulness practice in 2022.
Bring the change • Two ways to usher in the change this new year.
Practicing gratitude • Starting the new year with gratitude.
New year, new you: a different take • Using the principles of the yamas and niyamas to guide you in making real and effective change.
Get lost in GREECE • Sail into the New Year by saying ‘yes’ to new yoga retreat experiences.
40 days to a new you! • How a yoga practice can change your life in just 40 days.
Yogic cleansing • Take good care of yourself this year with some simple yogic cleansing tips.
Smart move • New year, new brain cells! How yoga and other movement can get your grey matter going.
Yoga for remote workers • Tools to manage anxiety for the remote worker.
LOCKDOWN legends Yoga’s unsung online heroes • Celebrating some of yoga’s unsung online heroes. While most of us have experienced online yoga now, the events of 2020 and 2021 came as a jolt out of the blue, forcing many of us to stay at home and go digital for the first time. It was a challenging time for both students and teachers alike. Here, we showcase five amazing individuals who kept the country moving on the mat when all else came to a standstill.
“Shutting down the studio and ramping up our online classes was a...