Women’s Health Australia's mission is to help Aussie women feel happier and healthier (every single day!) with the ideal mix of fitness, food, nutrition, mindfulness, wellness, fitspo fashion and beauty, plus so much more.
Women's Health Australia
Fresh starts, new beginnings
Ask Women’s Health • We asked so you don’t have to
Build Your Best Butt • Lower-body gains – guaranteed
Why Everyone’s Talking About CBD • After making wellness waves around the world, CBD – a form of medical cannabis – is now available over the counter here. Racing to the shop? Not so fast…
Mind Games • With the conversation growing around athlete mental health, four sportspeople share how they deal with performance pressure, media attention and much more
Should I Change My Diet According to My Cycle? • While eating chocolate by the fistful is a time-honoured PMS salve, nutritional science has a few other smart fixes. Dietitian Laura Tilt shares how you can temper the effects of your cycle – all month long
Lifting the Muscle Myths • Use our cheat sheet to outsmart gym-bro wisdom and achieve the results you’re after, even faster
Recovery Rebooted • Your CrossFit-obsessed mate has probably been raving about their percussion massager for ages. Here’s the experts’ take
Three of the best • Take your pick from these WH faves.
The Art of the Comeback • How to embrace failure, tap into your passions and score a spectacular win
Where Have All My Friends Gone? • As mounting research reveals nostalgia as a major win for our health, one writer dives back into her past to see if she can rekindle those friendships that faded
The Reach-Out Rulebook • What to consider if you’re keen to revive platonic relationships from your past
Beyond the Keep Cup… • You’ve got your bamboo cup and have cut back on meat, so what now for the budding eco warrior? Try these next-level hacks
Ahead of the Game • Turns out gaming can foster connections, sharpen problemsolving skills and help uncover your true self. Just press play!
Choose Your Own Adventure • Whether you’re gearing up for the social perks or want to shake up your sweat routine, follow the arrows to find your best match.
BODY TALK • If your skincare routine recently jumped from a 5k to a marathon, it’s time to apply that same training to the rest of your body. The goal: treat all your skin with the same attention you give your face (yep, we’re talking brushing, buffing and hydrating every bit). Ready?
SKIN SCIENCE • Skincare maximalism was once the norm, but for the sake of your shelf space – and your wallet – it’s time to consider quality over quantity. The key? Understanding how to layer ingredients. Allow us to guide you through a way more fun version of chemistry class
THE NEW SPORTS LUXE • Work these hero athleisure pieces into your everyday wardrobe with clever, stylist-approved tips
The Heart Doctor Will See You Now • Thought heart disease was just a bloke’s issue? Not so much. Join us on a mission to take our ticker health seriously – starting right now. Get your head around this powerful new pump protocol that even fit, healthy women should know. You’re welcome!
Your Smart Watch Data, Explained • Your wearable tracker is a deep well of knowledge: you just need to know how to read it. Here’s cardiologist Dr Aaron Baggish with your handy cheat sheet
Meet the ticker-loving smoothie • Try this heart-healthy recipe from sports nutritionist Chris Mohr. Just throw everything in a blender and blitz until smooth
THE SHAY WAY • Between first-time motherhood and...